Buddy Program

It is a mission of Hands 'N Paws Animal Assistance to preserve the human-animal bond by providing financial assistance, resources and support to those pets in need.

As part of that mission, The Buddy Program has been created to help low-income families care for their pet and enable them to be able to stay with with the family.

We will try our best to help as many pets as we are able, but please keep in mind that there is a high volume of people asking for help and we are limited by the funding we have available. Below is a list of additional resources.

A separate application would need to be made for each pet.

Programs Available

Grooming:  Hands 'N Paws knows that importance of a grooming to an animals health. The typical grant is up to $50. We would also require before and after pictures. To qualify, you will need to show a need for care in order to be able to keep the animal home.

Behavior Training:  One of the biggest reasons an animal is surrendered is behavior issues. Hands 'N Paws would offer a grant of up to $150.00 for time with a licensed trainer to help with those issues. To qualify, you must provide a recommendation from a licensed trainer.

Housing Deposit:  Moving can be a great hardship for families both financially and emotionally. Having your pet during this time is a great comfort. Hands 'N Paws would offer a grant of up to $200 towards the pet deposit of your new home so you can stay together. To qualify, you must provide proof of deposit requirements from the landlords.

Foster for Deployed Military:  Those of us at Hands 'N Paws have a great respect for the members of the military. We know, during times of deployments, your buddy is left behind and sometimes the only choice is to rehome him/her. We would like to offer a foster home to your buddy so that they can be in a home and cared for while you are away. Then when you come home, your buddy will be waiting to jump in your arms and join you back at home. To qualify, you must show proof of deployment.

Safe Haven:  Hands 'N Paws Animal Assistance helps families with their pets during times when boarding or temporary care is needed in cases such as hospitalization, hospice care, domestic violence, eviction or temporary homelessness. This grant will aid with up to 2 weeks of board or in home care up to $275.00. To qualify, a letter of assistance from DSHS, Domestic Violence Advocate or a Social Worker is needed.

Veterinary Relief Fund:  It is a mission of Hands 'N Paws Animal Assistance to preserve the human-animal bond by providing financial assistance, resources and support to those pets in need.  As part of that mission, the Veterinary Relief Fund has been created to help low-income families care for their pets by offering help with both Urgent and Preventative Veterinary Care. Urgent Care Funds are for those who need emergency, life threatening saving veterinary care. The typical grant is up to $300.00 and is intended to fill a small gap in funding that is keeping the animal from care.  Preventative Care Funds help animals who need regular vaccines, rabies vaccines or a month of maintenance medication.  The typical grant is up to $70.00 for vaccines and up to $100.00 for medication. To qualify, a recommendation from the veterinarian outlining the care needed, an estimated cost, and potential prognosis for the animal is required. 

For each program you will also need to have a written plan in place containing. You may be asked to provide proof of income. The grant recipient must be willing to provide updates and and photos to Hands 'N Paws.